Gain More Capacity At Your Bar With Countertop Partitions

countertop partitions

Strict guidelines for restaurants are starting to lift. This makes it easier for your restaurant to reopen its bar seating with our countertop partitions.

No More Social Distancing Parties

When you are forced to separate people at the bar due to the six-foot rule, you are losing out on valuable counter space. When you invest in our countertop partitions, you are investing in a product that allows you to maximize your bar and countertop seating. 

Our countertop partitions can fit around bar stools, through bar tops, and much more. Depending on the style of your restaurant and how the layout is set up, Connect Partitions can surely help you display our partitions to maximize your seating. 

Transparency is Vital

Being at a bar top or countertop is already hard enough to get a bartender’s attention without the plexiglass. But our partitions make that struggle easier because of how we design our partitions. 

Unlike other bulky and nontransparent partitions, ours offer clear visibility through their high-grade acrylic material.  Customers can also still talk to other people around them with ease and without any obstruction.  That’s why investing in our countertop partitions is the right move for your restaurant in today’s society. We want your daily amount of customers back just as bad as you do!

We also want to mention that because of the materials we craft our countertop partitions in, they are very easy to clean and sanitize. You know how messy bars can get, especially with a lot of parties sitting around. This is why we coat our countertop partitions with an AR MR coating that improves durability against sun damage and prevents scratching as a result of cleaning them with harsh cleaning supplies and chemicals, such as bleach. 

To be clear, AR coating is an antireflection coating, while MR coating is a flash mirror coating. Both of these really help the restaurant industry because of their superior strength and environmentally resistant surface. 

Overall, these features are all you need for your bar area right now. In order to serve and protect your customers, our partitions are the only option that can help with both!

plexiglass shields are the future for restaurants

Want to Learn More?

Reopen safely and efficiently in New England! Learn more with our Massachusetts Restaurant Guide for Partitions e-book.

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