Custom Restaurant Partitions – Make PPE Stylish

custom restaurant partitions

Personal protective equipment is going to be around for a long time. From masks to gloves to hand sanitizer, it is everywhere you look! One product that also makes the cut is custom restaurant partitions. That’s right – you can now consider partitions part of the PPE club.  

Our restaurant partitions are designed for restaurants to keep their staff and customers safe. We also give them the feature to be custom designed to fit your restaurant’s ambiance with ease. 

Custom Restaurant Partitions Options

Everyone knows that partitions aren’t designed for restaurants. They can be found in other industries, but the food industry?  It doesn’t sound right. Until now. Connect Partitions has a team of custom furniture designers that knows exactly what restaurants need during this pandemic and its aftermath – custom partitions. 

We offer personalization features that you won’t find anywhere else on the market. You will be able to add your restaurant’s brand name or even have your logo etched on to your partitions to give it a more finished look. 

Restaurants are in desperate times right now and this is one way we are able to help them struggle less. With our custom options, restaurants can reopen safely, efficiently, and most important stay in alignment with their brand tone. 

Reopen With PPE in Disguise

Our custom options make it that much easier to open your restaurant safely. By adding brand names and logos to our partitions, it’s one easy way to disguise the real reason behind plexiglass partitions and walls.   By disguising our custom plexiglass partitions to look and feel like part of a restaurant it also gives their customers some peace of mind.

Our partitions are also transparent. Due to the commercial-grade plexiglass materials we craft with, it’s easy for your staff and customers to see around and through them. This makes the dining experience less stressful and more fun when dining out again!

plexiglass shields are the future for restaurants

Want to Learn More?

Reopen safely and efficiently in New England! Learn more with our Massachusetts Restaurant Guide for Partitions e-book.

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