Next Level Of Precautions with Long Lasting Partitions 

long lasting partitions

Restaurants are taking a beat down since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. You can take your restaurant to the next level of precautions with our long lasting and future friendly partitions. 

Future – Friendly Investment

When you picture your restaurant, how long do you see plexiglass partitions staying in place?  Our durable plexiglass partitions are a product you can expect to see far into the future. When you invest in our long lasting and durable partitions, you won’t just be using these for a few months, but rather far into the months (and possible years) to come. That’s what makes our partitions an investment your restaurant won’t regret. 

With the new normal being more strange than what we hoped for, it makes life easier and safer with our long lasting restaurant partitions. These will be a product you’ll find yourself using inside and outside your restaurant for a very long time. 

Partitions Are Becoming a Modern Norm

Although you might think partitions will only be around for a few months due to the recent pandemic, our long lasting partitions could really benefit you far into the future. Our mobile partitions are not only easy to move around and create a beautiful space inside and outside with, but they help keep a lot of people in an enclosed (or even open) space to maintain a safe distance and combat germs and viruses. 

Our long lasting restaurant partitions can also serve your restaurant or bar far past the COVID-19 pandemic. When we say this, we like to think of our versatile partitions as a way to stop the spread of germs, as well as maintain an illusion of privacy.  

Accommodating, Yet Unobtrusive 

Our restaurant partitions are highly accommodating to your customers and employees, which might seem hard to wrap your head around the fact that they aren’t like usual partitions – bulky and obtrusive. 

Keep your restaurant’s spirits in high hope with our long lasting plexiglass partitions and their unobtrusive look and feel. Unlike most bulky partitions that are unwelcoming, our plexiglass partitions are transparent, light weight, and elegant, and serve a purpose – protecting your customers and staff from germs.

Make your daily customers and even new customers wonder if they should invest in Connect Partitions plexiglass partitions, as well. This will be an investment your restaurant  will benefit from in the long run, not just during COVID19 and its aftermath months to come. 

Designed For Any Industry

Whether you are in retail, hospitality, dining, hygiene or health-related, or anything else, Connect Partitions wants you to know that our plexiglass partitions are meant for you. Stay safe and protected. But also stay efficient and elegant in a way you would never imagine with our plexiglass partitions. 

Connect Partitions understands restaurants and the food industry are taking the hardest beat down. Especially when it comes to reopening after the pandemic. This is something we never would have imagined. That’s why we specialize in diverse and useful partitions for restaurants.  Reopen in style for your brand and for the comfort and experience of your customers. Learn more in our other educational read, 10 Things You Must Know About Restaurant Partitions.

mobile partitions

Learn More

Connect Partitions wants you to know all there is about restaurant partitions. Read more about the 10 things you need to know about restaurant partitions now.

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