Restaurant Partitions for the Coronavirus – What You Should Know

Restaurant Partitions for the Coronavirus

As your restaurant reopens to the public, it could still be months before things start to go back to being semi-normal. Restaurant partitions and other plexiglass barriers are one product that restaurants are taking advantage of. But are they getting the best on the market? Connect Partitions specializes in custom restaurant furniture, which makes our restaurant partitions one of the top-quality choices on the market. Here’s what you need to know about our restaurant partitions.

Restaurant Partitions Are The New Norm

Yes, it’s hard to come to the reality of the pandemic’s consequences. But in today’s society, partitions have become part of the dining industry in just the past year alone. 

Although you might think partitions will only be around for a few more months, they could be around for a long time. This is why we specialize in creating them just for restaurants.  Our partitions are not only easy to move around, but they are modern enough to keep your restaurant’s atmosphere uninterrupted. They also keep a lot of people in an enclosed area safe and protected. This is why we suggest keeping our partitions as part of your layout past the pandemic. It will give customers and staff peace of mind knowing they are staying as safe as they can in a vulnerable environment. 

We also like to think of our partitions as not only a way to stop the spread of germs, but to maintain an illusion of privacy. If partitions are going to be the new norm, why not design them to fit your restaurant’s aesthetic? They are high quality and highly customizable. This means you can add a pattern, a brand name, or even a logo to disrupt the real reason behind partition walls.

Investment for the Future

Our partitions are an investment that your restaurant won’t regret.  We craft our partitions to be more than just a divider between customers and employees. Connect Partitions designs them to last far past the pandemic and its nasty aftermath. We understand that plexiglass barriers can seem obtrusive. They might also destroy the layout of restaurants’ indoor seating arrangements. But as we mentioned before, ours are designed for restaurants and can be designed to order.

On the other hand, they are lightweight, easy to move, and give a layer of design you wouldn’t expect from restaurant dividers. Overall, our partitions are not only an investment for the time being, but they are an investment for the future, as well. Imagine safety for both customers and employees, while adding an extra layer of design to your restaurant’s environment. 

plexiglass shields are the future for restaurants

Want to Learn More?

Reopen safely and efficiently in New England! Learn more with our Massachusetts Restaurant Guide for Partitions e-book.

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