Sleek, Stylish, & Functional Table Partitions For Your Restaurant

sleek plexiglass partitions

Connect Partitions wants to introduce you to our not only sleek looking table partitions, but our functioning table partitions, too! That’s right, you can get it all in one. The average partitions are pretty drab and don’t have any character to them. They can also be a pain to lug around, install, and fit perfectly within your space. Luckily, at Connect Partitions, we offer sleek and functional table partitions that your restaurant can take advantage of. 

Sophisticated Look 

Our table partitions can give your restaurant a look you never thought you could achieve with partitions. You can choose from an array of patterns, as well as custom make your own partitions to fit your restaurant’s aesthetic. Whether your customers are sitting at a table separated by one of our powerful partitions, or just walking in the restaurant for the first time in months, keep the sophisticated look going with our partitions. 

Maintain Social Distancing In An Adaptable Way With Table Partitions

Sometimes change can be a good thing, but with partitions becoming the new normal, it might seem a little strange at first. So start your restaurant or cafe off again on the right foot with our functional and elegant partitions.

Connect Partitions main goal is to keep people safe, secure, and with peace of mind. Not only do our partitions serve those needs, but they also maintain social distancing in an adaptable way that might not seem possible with an item such as partitions

Our partitions are made out of a high grade material, are easy to move around and handle for any individual, and can display a look that makes adapting much easier in society.  Overall, our table partitions serve a purpose (and a look) that’s highly flexible and accommodating at the same time. 

Modern Table Partitions for Today’s Society

Partitions and room dividers can seem like a thing of the past… until today. Connect Partitions offers table partitions that are modern and contemporary to fit into any environment, atmosphere, or ambiance with ease. 

Our partitions are made to fit just about any type of table space. Our partitions can be used one frame at a time or several can be joined together to create a longer divider depending on your space size. The frame of the divider has magnets incorporated into the structure of each partition for seamless assembly of multiple units. Connect Partitions makes life easy for you – adjust to the new norm today with our unbeatable table partitions. 


Connect Partitions makes a great effort to achieve the look of sophistication within your restaurant space. Not only do we want to keep the people of society safe and sound, but we want your staff and employees to feel at ease, too, in such a desperate time. 

Partitions might be the last thing on your mind when it comes to an elegant way of social distancing, but trust us, we can bring on any look in any type of environment with our custom built, lightweight, and functional partitions.


Learn More

Connect Partitions wants you to know all there is about restaurant partitions. Read more about the 10 things you need to know about restaurant partitions now.

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