3 Reasons Plexiglass Partitions Are Future-Friendly for Restaurants

plexiglass partitions

Plexiglass partitions are becoming part of restaurants’ layouts everywhere you look. These types of products reduce empty tablespace. They also allow for more people to be seated throughout the day. But our plexiglass partitions are much more than that. They are a future-friendly investment that restaurants can take advantage of far into the future.

1.) Generate More Business Safely with Plexiglass Partitions

Our plexiglass partitions allow you to generate more business safely throughout the day. IF we step back in time, restaurants were forced to shut their doors until the coronavirus was more known here in the nation. Then takeout and delivery was the next best solution for this industry. And a little over a year later, restaurants are back to serving at mostly full capacity.

There are still a handful of cities and towns that require parties to be seated at least six feet apart if they don’t have a nonporous barrier in between them separating them. When you invest in plexiglass partitions, you can seat parties as usual in your restaurant. This means no more empty tables! Watch how much more business you generate throughout the month with these installed throughout your restaurant. 

2.) Lightweight, Sleek, & Easy to Store

Our plexiglass partitions are lightweight, sleek, and easy to move around. Since every party size is different, you might have to rearrange partitions throughout your restaurant. We make them easy to install and move around. We craft our plexiglass partitions with a standard metal frame and wheels on the base. Because of their structure, you will be able to separate parties within minutes. We also incorporate magnets on the frame so you can connect one partition to another for a longer dividing wall. 

At the end of the day, if partitions aren’t needed anymore in your restaurant, you can easily store them. They are easy to stack in front of one another because of their thin, yet durable, design. 

3.) High-Quality Materials That Can Last a Lifetime

As we always mention throughout our website, our partitions are made from the highest quality materials on the market. This includes commercial-grade plexiglass, powder-coated steel, and durable caster wheels.  All of these features make them easy to sanitize throughout the day. We also coat them with an AR MR coating, that allows you to clean them with harsh chemicals, such as bleach, without any damage. They are scratch-resistant, even from the deepest of scratches. Our plexiglass partitions are highly praised in the restaurant industry because of how environmentally resistant they are! 

Want to Learn More?

Reopen your place of work with ease with Connect Partitions. Read more about our custom plexiglass partitions.

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